Did you know?
The majority of successful Audiologists in the United States, are women.
We believe that this fact is a consequence of the natural caring and loving nature of women and the confidence, encouragement, trust and patience they provide to their patients with the special problems associated with hearing loss. Women find that the career of Hearing Instrument Specialist is a perfect fit. Read Jeanne’s thoughts below:”As a hearing aid dispenser, I’ve found that the very skills I developed to be a good mother, have also been useful in my profession.
Nurturing, Empathetic, Listening, Sharing, Patience and Encouragement.
People share their pain of hearing loss and their journey to getting help, and they develop a relationship with their dispensers.
A big part of the job is encouraging and listening with patience as the hearing impaired work through their issues toward acceptance of hearing aids.
I think that’s one reason women do well in the hearing aid business – they can be and want to be both professional and personal to help people with a very sensitive health problem.
The income potential for a hearing aid dispenser is only limited by one’s own vision and determination. It is possible to earn an above average living working full-time, or to work part-time while you have other demands.”
-Jeanne W