To apply for the hearing aid specialist license each applicant must meet the following criteria’s.
- Is 18 years of age
- Has completed the application form and remitted the required fee
- Is a graduate of an accredited high school or its equivalent
- Has a valid, current license as a hearing aid specialist or its equivalent from another state and has been actively practicing in such capacity for at least 12 months; or is currently certified by the National Board for Certification in Hearing Instrument Sciences and has been actively practicing for at least 12 months; (OR)Has met the requirements of the training program.
- Has passed the licensure examination, which is the International Licensing Examination (ILE) for the Hearing Instrument Dispenser.
- Has submitted proof of taking a two hour course relating to Florida Laws and Rules
If an applicant fails to complete the application within 12 months of its receipt in the Board office, he/she shall be required to re-apply as an initial applicant.
Training Program
A training program shall be a minimum of six months in length and shall be divided into four stages. Following the completion of Stage I, the trainee shall be in training for the dispensing of hearing aids for a minimum of twenty (20) hours each week totaling 480 hours during the six month training period, and shall be under the direct supervision of the sponsor at all times when performing the functions of a hearing aid specialist.
Stage I: During this Stage, the trainee shall complete the International Hearing Society Distance Learning Course and shall submit proof of passing the distance learning course final examination to the Board Office before entering Stage II of the Training Program.
Stage II – 1 month: During this Stage, the trainee may perform audiometric tests, and make ear mold impressions and modifications, but the sponsor or hearing aid specialist designated by the sponsor shall be physically present, in the same room at all times when the trainee is performing these functions. The trainee may not recommend the selection of a hearing aid, dispense a hearing aid, or counsel a client.
Stage III – 2 months: During this Stage the trainee may perform all tasks in Stage II, recommend the selection of a hearing aid, and counsel a client, but the trainee shall be under the direct supervision of the sponsor or hearing aid specialist designated by the sponsor. The trainee may not deliver a hearing aid.
Stage IV – 3 months: During this Stage the trainee may perform all the tasks in Stages II and III and deliver hearing aids, but the sponsor or hearing aid specialist designated by the sponsor shall be physically present in the same room at the time a hearing aid is delivered to the client, and the receipt required by Section 484.051, F.S., must have the signature and license number of the sponsor or hearing aid specialist designated by the sponsor.
If you have completed the Florida training program, pursuant to Rule 64B6-8.003, F.A.C., and are seeking examination approval, the following steps apply to you.
Apply for licensure by examination – Applicant submits the duly filled Application for Licensure by Examination along with the appropriate licensure fees.
Submit proof of being 18 years old – Applicant must submit a copy of his or her driver’s license or birth certificate.
Submit proof of graduation – Applicant must submit one of the following forms of verification:
- Copy of transcript,
- Copy of diploma,
- Copy of transcript from an associate’s program or higher, or
- Copy of GED certificate
Complete for approved 2-hour Florida Laws and Rules course – Submit proof of completion for a 2-hour Florida laws and rules course from a board-approved provider.
Request License Certification/Verification – If you hold or have ever held a license in another state, U.S. territory, or foreign country; no matter the status, you are required to request a license certificate.
If the applicant’s application is found complete, he/she will be notified in writing by the International Hearing Society (IHS) that the individual is an eligible examination candidate. The candidate will receive registration information and instructions for the examination from IHS.
Required Fees For Applicants That ARE Nationally Certified
Application Fee: $150.00
Initial Licensure Fee: $320.00
Unlicensed Activity Fee: $5.00
TOTAL FEE: $475.00
Examination Fee: (Paid directly to International Hearing Society once approved): $225.00
Required Fees For Applicants NOT Nationally Certified
Application Fee: $150.00
Examination Fee: (Paid directly to International Hearing Society once approved): $225.00
If you are an individual who have been actively practicing in another state for at least 12 of the past 18 months and do not possess National Board Certification.
If you would like to obtain exam approval and are not/have never been a trainee in Florida, please apply via this method.
Apply for licensure by examination. Applicant submits the Application for Licensure by Examination along with the appropriate licensure fees listed on the application instructions. Please ensure that all fields are completed as instructed.
Submit copies of contracts/receipts. Applicant must submit 2 contracts per month for 12 of the last 18 months immediately preceding the application. The applicant must be listed as the fitter and dispenser of the hearing aid on the contracts/receipts. For privacy purposes, the client’s last name may be omitted on the contracts/receipts.
Submit proof of being at least 18 years of age. Applicant must submit a copy of his or her driver’s license or birth certificate.
Submit proof of graduation from graduate of an accredited high school or its equivalent. Applicant must submit one of the following forms of verification:
- Copy of transcript,
- Copy of diploma,
- Copy of transcript from an associate’s program or higher, or
- Copy of GED certificate
Complete for approved 2-hour Florida Laws and Rules course. Submit proof of completion for a 2-hour Florida laws and rules course from a board-approved provider listed on CE Broker to the Board Office.
Request License Certification/Verification. This is required for applicants who hold or have ever held a license in another state, U.S. territory, or foreign country; no matter the status. Online certifications/verifications are acceptable if they are current and show disciplinary history status.
After review, if the application is deemed complete, the applicant is notified in writing by the International Hearing Society (IHS) that the individual is an eligible examination candidate. The candidate will receive registration information and instructions for the examination from IHS.
Applicant sits for licensure examination. Applicant will be notified within 2-4 weeks of their pass/fail status. Note: The Board office is not able to provide the applicant with his or her score or score report.
Passing applicants will be notified of their eligibility for licensure and will be mailed the Initial Licensure Form which they will need to submit to the Board Office along with the licensure fee. Once the Board Office receives the licensure form and fee the licensee will be issued a license and mailed the approval letter and license within 7-10 business days.
Failing applicants will be notified of their unsuccessful examination attempt and can apply for future examinations with the Board Office. For instructions regarding the re-examination application process, please scroll down to the last section on this page.
If you are an individual who have been actively practicing in another state for at least 12 of the past 18 months and possess current National Board Certification:
Apply for licensure by examination. Applicant submits the Application for Licensure by Examination along with the appropriate licensure fees listed on the application instructions. Please ensure that all fields are completed as instructed.
Submit copies of contracts/receipts. Applicant must submit 2 contracts per month for 12 of the last 18 months immediately preceding the application. The applicant must be listed as the fitter and dispenser of the hearing aid on the contracts/receipts. For privacy purposes, the client’s last name may be omitted on the contracts/receipts.
Submit proof of being at least 18 years of age. Applicant must submit a copy of his or her driver’s license or birth certificate.
Submit proof of graduation from graduate of an accredited high school or its equivalent. Applicant must submit one of the following forms of verification:
- Copy of transcript,
- Copy of diploma,
- Copy of transcript from an associate’s program or higher, or,
- Copy of GED certificate
Submit proof of current National Board for Certification in Hearing Instrument Sciences (HIS) certification. You must contact the NBC-HIS and request they send proof of your current National Board Certification directly to the Board Office.
Complete for approved 2-hour Florida Laws and Rules course. Submit proof of completion for a 2-hour Florida laws and rules course from a board-approved provider listed on CE Broker to the Board Office.
Request License Certification/Verification. This is required for applicants who hold or have ever held a license in another state, U.S. territory, or foreign country; no matter the status. Online certifications/verifications are acceptable if they are current and show disciplinary history status.
Become A Graduate In 3 to 6 Months
For Queries, email us at admissions@hearingaidacademy.com. Or to get in touch with an admission representative, Call us at (903) 487-0097.