Iowa has been listed as one of the safest states to live in. Nicknamed as Hawkeye State, here in Iowa you will find rolling hills and warm people, who are ready to make a difference to someone’s life. Do you know, Iowa’s hearing loss history goes back a few centuries? The Iowa Association of the Deaf Inc. was founded in 1881, one year after the National Association of the Deaf began.
This is your chance to help Iowa residents hear well. Prepare for the hearing aid specialist licensing exam here in Iowa and become a qualified hearing aid specialist in less than 12 weeks.
For many people, hearing loss is a gradual and natural process owing to aging; but for others, it can result from exposure to loud music, genetic factors, and certain other external factors. Do you know hearing loss often goes untreated due to lack of experience and qualified hearing aid specialists?
Hearing loss is not just an inconvenience; rather, it can affect many aspects of a person’s health and life. The hearing loss includes many associated risks which increase your chances of developing other ailments.
Who is Affected By Hearing Loss?
Hearing loss is the third most common ailment after arthritis and heart disease.
- One out of three people over 65 and two in every three people over 75 experience some level of hearing loss
- Approximately 20% of Americans report some degree of hearing loss
- Men are more likely to develop hearing loss than women
- Smoking increases the chances of acquiring some hearing loss
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Hearing Aid Specialist
Technology these days can be simple or complex. This is why it is important to have an experienced hearing doctor of Iowa find a solution for you. To qualify as a hearing aid specialist, you need to clear the written and practical hearing aid specialist licensing exam administered by the International Hearing Society (IHS).
Everyone Want to Hear But…
Would you choose glasses if you don’t need them? Probably not. Statistics show only 22% of individuals who could benefit with the use of hearing aid, actually use them. While some people are concerned about the high costs, others are anxious about their appearance. While there are some people who don’t realize they have a problem until a hearing aid specialist bring it to their attention.
As a qualified hearing aid specialist, you will be responsible to serve a vast majority of people here in Iowa who have hearing loss. After a series of tests, assessment, and evaluation of the result, you will help the patients select from a variety of hearing aids that will help them hear clearly.
The Hearing Aids Should Fit You Not…
The other way around!! The Hearing aid Academy hearing aid specialist licensing program here in Iowa help you prepare for the International Licensing Exam. The hearing health is a growing industry which is not going to slow down anytime soon. At present, there are 5 jobs for every qualified hearing aid specialists.
Improved technology makes it easy for the hearing aid specialists to help patients find hearing aids that fit their needs, requirements, and lifestyle; rather than the patients adjusting to the hearing aid. The one-size-fits-all approach will not work for every patient. As a skilled HAS, you have the experience to carefully select a hearing aid that fits with the unique lifestyle of the patient.
Become a Hearing Aid Specialist
When you choose to enroll with a college to graduate as a hearing aid specialist, you need to invest a minimum of two years along with an estimated average tuition cost of $48,000 for two years. This is not one of the most practical options for a majority of students. However, specialized online training such as the one offered by the Hearing aid Academy can get you licensed in about 12 weeks.
Fast track your education by preparing for the hearing aid specialist licensing exam here in Iowa through a focused online training. Complete your education in 3 to 6 months and start earning an impressive wage right away. Hearing Aid Academy’s online training program is comprehensive and 100% online curriculum that offers the quickest way to get licensed as a hearing aid specialist.
Fast Licensing Process
In 2006, qualified hearing aid specialists got together and wanted a better and a faster way to help someone get licensed as a hearing aid specialist. For more than a decade now, the Hearing Aid Academy has been helping students get access to fundamental knowledge to clear the hearing aid specialist licensing exam in Iowa.
Now, there’s no need to spend 2 years to become a graduate. You can study the specialized training program in just a few weeks. This self-paced program can be completed as fast or as slow as you want. With a working internet connection and a laptop, you can take on this course anywhere in the world.
Further, each student enrolling with the Hearing Aid Academy is assigned a qualified instructor with more than 30 years of experience. The instructor will work with the students one-on-one and help them sail through the program comfortably. Unlike most online training programs, at Hearing Aid Academy, you are never alone.
Great Earning Potential
Do you know Hearing aid Academy students who have passed the hearing aid specialist licensing exam here in Iowa are currently earning an average salary of $60,000 to $70,000? As HAS, you will be working daytime and have your weekends and holidays off.
You now have the opportunity to learn and develop a skill that can transform your life and the way you can support yourself and your family. What are you waiting for request the information packet today!
Become A Graduate In 3 to 6 Months
REGISTER TODAYFor Queries, email us at admissions@hearingaidacademy.com. Or to get in touch with an admission representative, Call us at (903) 487-0097.