Here in Virginia, you will find people who are eager to help anyone in need. Do you live in Virginia? Want to contribute your bit to the society? Register with the Hearing Aid Academy’s 100% online curriculum and prepare for the hearing aid specialist licensing exam in about 3 to 6 months.
Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind
Please call (903) 487-0097 or click on the yellow button to request an information packet.
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More than 48 million Americans suffer from significant hearing loss. 1 in every 3 persons above the age of 65 are in need of hearing aids. However, people often choose not to get hearing aid due to their bulky appearance.
With the advancement of technology, nearly not-visible hearing aids have been manufactured. These in-the-ear hearing aids cannot be seen from outside; thus, when there is nothing to be embarrassed by, more and more people can choose hearing aids.
To start working as a licensed hearing aid specialist (HAS), you need to pass the International Licensing Exam (ILE) administered by the International Hearing Society (IHS). The Hearing Aid Academy provides specialized training and helps you prepare for the hearing aid specialist licensing exam here in Virginia in about 3 to 6 months.
Job Opportunities for Licensed HAS
The hearing healthy industry is growing at a fast pace and provide long-term stability to professional HAS. Different retailers such as Miracle-Ear, Costco, Sam’s Club, Walgreens, and CVS Pharmacies are opening their retail centers nationwide. Therefore, if you pass the hearing aid specialist licensing exam here in Virginia, you have an opportunity to work with one of the five retailers.
These companies are unable to find licensed HAS to fill in the generated vacancies. So if you are tired of your monotonous job and want to enjoy a fulfilling career, this is a golden opportunity. Choose a career as a hearing aid specialist and start earning huge amount of money.
The Hearing Aid Academy
- Financial Assistance
We offer the highest level of online training to help students pass the hearing aid specialist licensing exam here in Virginia. We offer a specifically designed course that starts as low as $199 per month. Moreover, the academy also provides financial assistance to students who qualify for the program.
Hearing loss can be gradual or sudden. While some people experience hearing loss due to growing age, others may experience hearing loss due to external factors such as loud music, noise pollution and more. Nowadays, people are coming forward to get their hearing tested and use hearing aids, if necessary. Therefore, if you want to give back to society, register with the 100% online curriculum and start preparing for the ILE.
- Learn Anywhere Anytime
One of the greatest benefits offered by this online curriculum is that it gives you the advantage to build your schedule and study anytime, anywhere you want. You are no longer required to leave your job to study. You can schedule your day and study whenever you get time. Since everything is available online, you just need a working internet connection and a laptop to study.
The Hearing Aid Academy course is divided into 31 modules spread over 100 hours of training. Moreover, you don’t need to complete the course in one sitting as you get lifetime access to the program. With this self-paced program, you can work your daytime job and study at night.
- Career Opportunities
A person falling in any age group can experience hearing loss. People above the age of 65 experience hearing loss due to old age and youngsters can lose their hearing power owing to loud music, drug abuse or any other external factor. This is the reason licensed HAS are in high demand.
At Hearing Aid Academy, we have a great track record of success. Students who have prepared for the hearing aid specialist licensing exam here in Virginia, have passed the exam in the first attempt and are earning more than $60,000 per year.
- Qualified Instructors
Even if you opt for the Hearing Aid Academy’s online course, you will have access to qualified instructors with more than 30 years of real-life experience working as a hearing aid specialist. You will have one-on-one sessions with them. Thus, it becomes easier to clear your doubts.
For over a decade, we have been helping students pass the hearing aid specialist licensing exam here in Virginia. So if you don’t have two years to spare or cannot leave your daytime job, register with the Hearing Aid Academy and pass the licensing exam in 3 to 6 months.
Hearing Aid Specialist Licensing Requirements in Virginia
- Be of a good moral character
- Have a specialized training
- Be of at least 18 years of age
- Hold an associate’s degree in hearing instrument science
If you want to help people hear better, a career as a hearing aid specialist is what awaits you.
Become A Graduate In 3 to 6 Months
ENROLL TODAY!!For Queries, email us at admissions@hearingaidacademy.com. Or get in touch with an admission representative at (903) 487-0097.