A majority of people often associate hearing aid with elderly people. But a person falling in any age group can become a victim of hearing loss. When someone experiences hearing loss, it can be a stressful period. As not everyone is aware of sign language, therefore, it becomes a struggle for deaf people to communicate.
Thomas Edison
Please call (903) 487-0097 or click on the yellow button to request an information packet.
Request information packetUntreated Hearing Loss is Dangerous
Untreated hearing loss can gradually lead to isolation. Reduced hearing is often frustrating to people suffering from one. Hearing loss is not just a simple ear issue; rather, it affects the quality of life and also leads to other health issues.
Fortunately, hearing loss is treatable. Approximately 95% of Americans suffering from hearing loss can be treated with hearing aids and people who have treated their hearing loss early have availed great benefits from hearing aids. Hearing aids make it easier to process sound. Other benefits include decreased feeling of social isolation, reduced mental fatigue, improved ability to do several things at once, improved attention and memory, and reduced mental fatigue.
Hearing Aid Specialist
Do you want to help people hear sounds? Want to make it easy for them to feel a part of the group? Prepare for the hearing aid specialist licensing exam here in Wyoming and start working as a licensed practitioner in 3 to 6 months.
The Hearing Aid Academy gives you a chance to prepare for the International Licensing Exam (ILE) administered by the International Hearing Society (IHS) in about 3 months. You can study for this self-paced program according to your convenience and become a licensed hearing aid specialist (HAS).
Online Education vs. Traditional College
- Study without Leaving your Job
Online education is fast becoming popular among busy professionals who cannot leave their job. When you are work a full-time job yet wants to earn a degree to enhance your skillset, self-paced online education course is the best option.
Hearing Aid Academy offers the freedom to learn at your pace and convenience. The 100% online course allows you to set your schedule around your day and study whenever you get time. You just need access to a working internet connection and a laptop to start studying.
- Graduate in 3 Months
Want to get licensed as a hearing aid specialist in Wyoming? Prepare for the hearing aid specialist licensing exam and start practicing as a qualified HAS in 3 to 6 months. Instead of investing thousands of dollars and 2 years of your life at a university or college to prepare for the ILE, choose an online program and study at your pace.
The Hearing Aid Academy is a specialized online program specifically designed to help students prepare for the ILE. For the past decade, we have helped students prepare for the licensing exam within 3 to 6 months. The hearing health industry is growing as people above the age of 65 years are in need of hearing aids. Enroll today to start practicing as a licensed HAS in 12 weeks.
- Affordable Online Program
While you need to pay approximately $48,000 for a two years course at an accredited university or college, you can gain access to online education for a fraction of the cost. You can prepare for the hearing aid specialist licensing exam here in Wyoming at $199 a month through the Hearing Aid Academy online program. The online program also gives you the advantage to progress as slow or as fast as you want.
The HAA curriculum is divided into 31 modules, spread over 100 hours of training. Start with first training module and work your way through the advanced level education program that is proven to help you pass the state licensing exam successfully. The HAA training program is devised to cover all the core training areas, for passing both the written and practical exams.
- Qualified Instructors Available
Each student enrolling for the HAA online program is assigned an experienced hearing aid specialist who has three decades of real-world experience working as a hearing aid specialist. The instructor will work with you one-on-one to help you pass the exam successfully within 6 months.
Hearing aid professionals who are already in business know that HAA is the most comprehensive online program available to teach students what they need to know to pass the written and practical hearing aid specialist licensing exam.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics, a hearing aid specialist gets an average starting salary of over $50,000 per year.
There are currently 5 jobs for every hearing aid specialist licensing professional. So how about grabbing the opportunity to work in Wyoming without a boss and a flexible working schedule?
Get In Touch Now
Become A Graduate In 3 to 6 Months
ENROLL TODAY!!For Queries, email us at admissions@hearingaidacademy.com. Or get in touch with an admission representative at (903) 487-0097.