How much income can I expect to make as a hearing aid specialist?
♦ The national average revenue for a hearing aid specialist who owns and operates his or her own office is over $96,000.00 annually.
♦ A licensed specialist who wishes to seek employment with an established audiologist or hearing aid specialist earns an average income of approximately $60,000.00 per year.
♦ A licensed hearing aid specialist who works for a large company but does not like fitting new patients makes approximately $30,000 per year.
♦ An unlicensed assistant who works for a hearing aid dispensing company usually makes approximately $20,000 per year. Some states allow this type of person and others do not.
♦ There are several factors that can determine a graduates projected income level, such as accurate analysis of the demographic of the area you choose to practice, choice of promotional and marketing material, and having an organized practice that is properly equipped to service this growing client population.
♦ As you can see, the hearing health care field is one with many career paths. As you progress with your studies and toward your graduation, you will want to discuss with our faculty the opportunities and options that most interest you. The experience and savvy of our faculty and counselors can help you make sound decisions about your career path, based upon your personal, financial and professional goals.
Please call us at 800-210-4540
Monday through Friday
9 A.M. to 12 Noon
1 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Central Standard Time