Companies Who Are Looking For Hearing Aid Academy Graduates
Below are a list of Outreach Alliance companies who seek students who have completed the Hearing Aid Academy’s curriculum:

You may already have heard about or read here of the Academy’s “Outreach” Job Alliance” project. It is one of the ways we seek to assure our graduates of early success. The premise of the original project was simple and straight forward. We asked major employers in the hearing care industry, what exactly was the skill set they sought to fill those high-paying positions in their clinics and operations.
The word came back clear and specific; they wanted well trained, ambitious licensed dispensers whose education and experience to include business strategy, sales, marketing and personalized communications with patients. That feedback response in many ways explains why the Academy now stands apart. Our training model was designed to focus upon the supporting theory and its application in patient care, and supplemented with the skills and knowledge required to function and compete in the real world. That is where the successful experience and savvy of our faculty is most important. Employers now understand that Academy graduates have been prepared to transition quickly from students to practitioners. It is why employers actively seek our graduates.
Typically, upon enrollment, students are requested to provide a detailed Outreach “Job Alliance” profile that serves to enter you into the Outreach program. Once you have established yourself as a candidate student, through steady progress with your studies and good grades and nearing graduation, an initial contact “heads up” goes out to our network of allied retail employers. They will be watching for candidates associated with existing local markets, as well as their developing investment and marketing plans. Our goal will be to get you in front of their employment managers at the appropriate time in your career path.