PCC – Module 8 – Inbound & Outbound Calls Quiz

Which of the following is not a reason for a PCC to be familiar with the basics of audiology?(Required)
Which of the following can cause hearing loss?(Required)
In audiology, malingering means unnecessarily delaying a required action?(Required)
The shingles virus can cause one-sided hearing loss(Required)
Ototoxicity can result from all of the following, except(Required)
Which of the following is not a type of hearing loss(Required)
Approximately how many people over age 12 in the United States have bilateral hearing loss?(Required)
Which of the following is not a potential consequence of untreated hearing loss?(Required)
A corner audiogram can be described as near perfect hearing with slight loss in the highest frequencies (the upper right corner of the audiogram)(Required)
The bones in the middle ear include all of the following, except(Required)